Celebrating the Splendor of Diverse Avian Species: An Unforeseen Delight.

Embracing the Common Magnificence of Multicoloured Birds: Unexpected Beauty.

The green-headed tanager is a small and stunning bird that can be found in the canopies of damp forests. This multicoloured avian creature is known as Tangara seledon and tends to inhabit the humid Atlantic woodland. Interestingly, it utilizes the thick and lush vegetation as a camouflage amidst its surroundings. The male green-headed tanager possesses an intricate and vibrant plumage consisting of aquamarine-green on the head, nape, and cheeks, with an additional yellow-green band crossing the nape and upper mantle. Additionally, its black back and scapulars are accompanied by an orangish-yellow rump and vivid apricot-green upper-tail covers.


The female bird’s appearance is comparable to that of the male, but it is not as visually pleasing. Additionally, younger birds exhibit less vibration than their adult counterparts. This particular trait can be found in the northeastern regions of Armenia, as well as in adjacent parts of northeastern Paraguay and southeast Brazil.


The Green-Headed Tanager has a diet that primarily consists of fruits and other small insects. These birds can be found foraging in pairs or small groups, with up to 20 birds at a time. They enjoy eating natural and domesticated berries from bromeliads, as well as a variety of other food sources. The Green-Headed Tanager is also known to join mixed-species flocks on occasion. These active birds can often be seen making crooked motions while hopping around branches, gleaning from leaf litter and bark, and manipulating fruits with their bills.

During the breeding season, the Green-headed Tanager, a monogamous bird species, creates a cozy nest using grass and leaves. The nest is lined with soft materials, and both parents take an active role in building it, laying eggs, and incubating them. Sometimes, the male bird may woo the female during this process. After 13-14 days of incubation, the female lays 2-3 pale eggs. The hatchlings leave the nest after about 14-18 days and rely on their parents for sustenance for several weeks. The birds often attempt a second brood, and young from previous broods may accompany the adults for several months.


Although the Green-Headed Tanager has vanished from some deforested places and is not present in the remaining woods of southern Brazil, it is presently not at risk. It seldom occurs locally, and habitats are generally restricted to safeguarded regions.

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